lundi 12 mai 2014

Notes on usage: Spoken

Oral  -  Vocal


These words all describe producing language using the voice, rather than writing.


Spoken (of language) produced using the voice; said rather than written: An exam in spoken English.
Oral (usually before noun) spoken rather than written: There will be a test of both oral and written French.
Vocal (usually before noun) connected with the voice: Vocal music. | The vocal organs (=the tongue, lips, etc.) Remember that vocal is used to talk about the ability to produce sounds using the voice, and is often used in musical contexts when referring to singing.


Both of these words can be used to refer to language skills and the communication of Information: Spoken/oral French | A spoken/oral presentation. In these cases oral is slightly more technical than spoken. Oral but not spoken can also be used with words such as tradition, culture and legends to talk about the way in which people pass stories down from one generation to the next, and in legal contexts followed by words such as evidence and hearing.


*spoken/oral French/English/Japanese, etc.
*spoken/oral language skills


Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Sentences Errors Frequently confused words
Common Clichés Thematic list of Idioms
Common misspellings Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common Preposition Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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