

Bienvenidos a la Seccion Vocabulary de nuestra querida pagina Abz Inglés, aqui te dejo una amplia lista de palabras seleccionadas por tópicos. Recuerda que aprender palabras por tópicos te ayudará a ampliar enormemente la fluides del idioma. De esta manera las personas que te oirán te guardarán gran respeto por la amplia variedad de sinónimos que utilizas. Sin mas preambulos, revisa cada grupo y estúdialas de manera autodidacta.


Wealth and poverty Determiners
Bankruptcy Conjunctions
People who are poor Determiners
People who are rich Preposition
Poor Pronouns
Rich Punctuation
The state of being poor Written abbreviations
The state of being rich  
To be rich Prefixes & Suffixes
To have just enough money Prefixes
To not have enough or any money Prefixes II
Debt & owing money Suffixes II
In debt  
Not in debt The English alphabet
Money that you owe Codes & Codification
R. to borrowing money General writing system
R. to money & possessions Handwriting and spelling
To pay money you owe Informal ways of writing words
  Miscellaneous writing symbols
Liquids & Water Specific Writing System
G.W. for water & types of water The English Alphabet
Treating water Writing symbols on letters of alphabet
W.U.D. liquid Written representations of sounds
R. to Road vehicles Grades given for school
Equipment & systems in cars G.W. for exams
External parts of cars Grades given for schools & university
Internal parts of cars School & university examinations
G.W, for Cars To judge a student's work
Makes of Car To sit, pass or fail a test
Military and Industrial Vehicles  
R. to Cars Office Supplies
Road vehicles other than cars Stationery & office supplies
Road vehicles other than cars II  
Road vehicles pulled by horses Rooms & departments in Hospitals
Taxis & travelling by taxi Doctors & health specialists
The lights on a car Health care qualifications
Types of car Other people who work in hospitals
Tyres and wheels and their parts Places people receive medical care
Words for cars that are old Rooms in hospitals and clinics
  Types of nurse
Types & Forms of glass  
Types and Forms of glass Pensions
Making things from wood  
Wood for various purposes The Heart, Blood and Circulation
Activity of making things from wood G. regions and organs inside the body
Types of Wood Glands
  R. to breathing
W. to describe works of art The lungs and breathing
Artistic Activities To have difficulty breathing
Artistics' material equipment The brain and nervous system
Artists Sex and reproductive organs
Attitudes of art & cultures What the heart and blood do
G. words for works of art R. to the heart and blood
Describing models and images The heart, blood and circulation
R. to a work of an artist The organs for processing food
Sculpture To Process Food in the Body
Specific types of picture work  
Styles and methods in arts Types of music
To create a work of art and crafts Musical sounds
To create images on paper or canvas Music for doing particular dances
To make a mark on pattern Types of music
W.U.D. works of art and pictures W.U.D musical instruments



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