lundi 30 juin 2014

Advanced Vocabulary - To Fail to Obey a Rule, Law or Command

break verb
to fail to obey a rule or law.

defy verb
to refuse to obey someone or something.

disobey verb
to deliberately do the opposite of what someone in authority has told you to do, or deliberately not obey a rule.

flout verb
to deliberately refuse to obey a rule or custom.

breach verb
(formal) to break a law, rule, or agreement.

contravene verb
(formal) to do something that is not allowed by a rule, law, or agreement.

challenge verb
to refuse to accept someone’s authority.

infringe verb
to break a law, rule, or agreement.

offend verb
(formal) to break a law or rule, or to do something against your principles.

violate verb
to do something that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc.

revolt verb
to say that you will not accept someone’s authority or leadership.

default verb
(legal) to fail to appear in a court of law when you have been ordered to.

derogate from
(formal) to fail to act according to something as you were expected to or as you agreed.

offend verb
to commit a crime.

jack up
(Australian informal) to refuse to obey instructions.

be a law unto yourself
to refuse to behave like everyone else, or to believe you can do whatever you want to.

beat the system
to achieve what you want by breaking rules or by finding clever ways of working within them.

overstep the mark
to do or say something that makes people angry because it breaks a rule or is not acceptable.

step out of line
(informal) to break the rules, or to do something wrong.

drive a coach and horses through something
(British) to completely ignore a law or agreement and stop it being effective.



See also:

To obey a law or rule Common Prepositions
Obedience and Cooperation Common Phrasal Verbs
Obedient and Cooperative Common Cliché words
Disobedience and Failure to Cooperate Thematic list of Idioms
Disobedient and Uncooperative Irregular Verbs list

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