lundi 7 avril 2014

Thematic Index of Idioms: Drinking

La lista de Idioms mostradas a continuación, competen al ítem sobre el acto de beber:

Hit the bottle Pissed as a newt
Out of your box Three sheets to/in the wind
Dutch courage Sober as a judge
Drunk as a skunk Drown your sorrows
Drink like a fish Drink sb under the table
A hair of the dog (that bit you) On the tiles
Put hairs on your chest Out the tiles
Down the hatch Out of your tree
Go to your head On the wagon
Off your head Fall off the wagon
Out of your head/skull Wet your whistle
Raise hell The worse for wear
High as a kite  

back to Thematic lis of Idioms

Money  -  Humiliation  -  Drinking  -  Information  -  Understanding

See also:

¿Que son los Idioms? Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Gramatica de un Idiom Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Importancia de los Idioms Common misspellings
Como aprender Idioms Irregular verbs List
Common Clichés Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Common Slangs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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