
mardi 1 avril 2014

Thematic Index of Idioms: Importance and Priorities

La lista de Idioms mostradas a continuación, competen al ítem de importancia, prioridades, gustos:

Not the be-all and end-all The bottom line
Get down to brass tacks Make a mountain out of a molehill
Bread and butter Nickel and dime
Cross the bridge when you come to it Pick nits
On the back burner Penny-wise and pound-foolish
On the front burner Take second place
Put the cart before the horse Small potatoes
Centre stage At any price
Separate the wheat/grain from the chaff Take a rain check
Cut to the chase A red letter day
Chicken feed Take a back seat
The 64,000 dollar question Have sth in your sights
Play second fiddle Set your sights on sth
Have other/bigger fish to fry Have your sights on sth
Strain at a gnat (and swallow a camel) In/into cold storage
Split hairs A storm in a teacup
The holy of holies The tip of the iceberg
(put sth) on Ice Not see the forest/wood for the trees
The icing/frosting on the cake A fifth/third wheel
Handle/treat sb with kid gloves  


back to Thematic lis of Idioms

Information  -  Understanding  -  Importance  -  Interest  -  Decision


See also:

¿Que son los Idioms? Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Gramatica de un Idiom Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Importancia de los Idioms Common misspellings
Como aprender Idioms Irregular verbs List
Common Clichés Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Common Slangs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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