
dimanche 6 avril 2014

Thematic Index of Idioms: Safety and Risk

La lista de Idioms mostradas a continuación, competen al ítem sobre Seguridad y Riesgo:

Raise/up the ante Walk a knife-edge
Chance your arm Risk life and limb
A good/safe bet Take your life in your hand
All bets are off Lightning does not strike twice
Hedge your bets (out) on a limb
A bird in the hand (is worth In the firing line
two in the bush) In/on the front line
Put your head/neck on the block In the line of fire
A close call Lay/put sth on the line
A wild card Be on the line
Throw caution to the wind Lay it on the line
The coast is clear Put your ass/neck on the line
Cover your ass/back/rear Put your head in the lion’s mouth
A leap in the dark Walk into the lion’s den
Dice with death Daniel in the lion’s den
Better the devil you know (than Risk your neck
the devil you don’t) Stick your neck out
Put all your eggs in one basket Sit pretty
Hang on by your fingertips/fingernails Russian roulette
Play with fire Play (it) safe
A red flag Safe as houses
It’s your funeral A security blanket
Light the fuse A close shave
Run the gauntlet Be on the safe side
In safe hands By the skin of your teeth
Put your head above the parapet The sword of Damocles
Keep your head below the parapet Walk a tightrope
Put/stick your head in a noose Leave yourself wide open
Off the hook Sail close to the wind
A house of cards On a wing and a prayer
Skate on thin ice A wolf in sheep’s clothing
On a knife-edge A sheep in wolf’s clothing

back to Thematic lis of Idioms

Progress - Influence - Risk - Illness - Likelihood

See also:

¿Que son los Idioms? Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Gramatica de un Idiom Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Importancia de los Idioms Common misspellings
Como aprender Idioms Irregular verbs List
Common Clichés Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Common Slangs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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