
dimanche 6 avril 2014

Thematic Index of Idioms: Success and Failure

La lista de Idioms mostradas a continuación, competen a ítem Éxito y Fracaso:

Sacrificed on the altar of something Go off half-cocked
In the bag Go off at half-cock
Slip on banana skin/peel Win hands down
Bang goes something Beat someone/something hands down
Fight a losing battle Set the heather on fire
Win the battle, lose the war (the) dizzy/dizzying heights
Lose the battle, win the war On a hiding to nothing
Go belly-up Ride high
Strike a blow for/against something Beat someone hollow
Back to the drawing board Hit a home run
Go by the board/boards Home and dry/hosed
Sweep the board Bring the house down
Shoot your bolt A house of cards
The brass ring Hit the jackpot
The bubble has burst Put the kibosh on something
Hit the buffers Do a land-office business
In the can (go down like) a lead balloon
Carry all before you Hit the mark
Have had your chips Hit the nail on the head
Clos but no cigar A back number
Nice try but no cigar Strike oil
With flying colours Beat the pants off someone
Too many cooks (spoil the broth) Hit/strike pay dirt
Too many cooks in the kitchen Go pear-shaped
Earn your corn Make a pig’s ear of something
Down/out for the count Go places
Crash and burn On the ropes
On/ride the crest of a wave Come up smelling of roses
Go critical Ride high in the saddle
Come a cropper Clear/plain/smooth sailing
Carry the day Come /fall apart at the seams
Dead in the water A sinking ship
No dice The sky’s the limit
Done like a dinner Go up in smoke
Go the (full) distance No soap
Down and out The wooden spoon
A dead duck Not set the Thames on fire
Bite the dust (hit) the big time
Lay an egg Touch and go
A white elephant Throw in the towel
A feather in your cap Come up trumps
Fall flat (on your face) Come unglued
Drop like flies Come unstuck
Wipe the floor with someone Go to the wall
Deliver the goods The (hand)writing in on the wall
Cooke your goose Fall by the wayside
Your goose is cooked Come up in the world
Make the grade Not set the world on fire

back to Thematic lis of Idioms

Memory - Disagreement - Success - Fairness - Progress

See also:

¿Que son los Idioms? Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Gramatica de un Idiom Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Importancia de los Idioms Common misspellings
Como aprender Idioms Irregular verbs List
Common Clichés Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Common Slangs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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