
dimanche 6 avril 2014

Thematic Index of Idioms: Hapiness

La lista de Idioms mostradas a continuación, competen al ítem sobre la Alegría:

Float/walk on air Rub your hands
Roll in the aisles Happy as a clam/lark/sandboy
Full of beans Happy as a pig in muck
Bright as a button Happy as Larry
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Kick up your heels
Cakes and ale At home
Grin like a Cheshire cat Life is a bowl of cherries
Like the cat that got the cream (the land of) milk and honey
Like the cat that ate the canary Over the moon
On cloud nine Tickled pink
In clover A ray of sunshine
Make sb’s day Everything is coming up roses
Fell like a million dollars Look on the bright side
Laugh like a drain Sunny side up
Grin/smile from ear to ear With your tail up
In your element Have a whale of a time
Let your hair down On top of the world

back to Thematic lis of Idioms

Likelihood - Limitations - Happiness - Sadness - Trouble

See also:

¿Que son los Idioms? Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Gramatica de un Idiom Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Importancia de los Idioms Common misspellings
Como aprender Idioms Irregular verbs List
Common Clichés Particles List of Phrasal Verbs
Common Slangs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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