
samedi 26 juillet 2014

Phrasal verb list: Through

Through es tanto un adverbio y preposición, podemos encontrarla en 61 combinaciones de Phrasal Verbs según la lista de Abz Ingles. Dentro de sus funciones básicas se encuentra la de indicar movimiento, como en pokes through (perforar); lectura de textos, como en flick through (ojear, hechar un vistazo), entre otros.

Esta es una lista de todos los Phrasal Verbs existentes con la partícula Through, están ordenadas de manera alfabética y se ha considerado combinaciones múltiples (de tres partículas a más). Recuerda que para ver otros usos de la partícula Through, revisa la lista de partículas que Abz ingles ha elaborado para ti.


Phrasal Verbs with 'Through' particle:

Barge through Lve through Rifle through Soak through
Blunder through Look through Rip through Squeeze through
Break through Mudle through Run through Take through
Carry through Pass through Rush through Talk through
Come through Phone through Sail through Think through
Fall through Pick through Scrape through Thumb through
Flick through Play through See through Vote through
Flip through Plough through Shine through Wade through
Follow through Poke through Show through Wave through
Get through Pull through Sift through Wear through
Go through Push through Sit through Win through
Go through with Put through Skim through Win through to
Hack through Rattle through Sleep through Work through
Leaf through Read through Slip through  
Let through Riffle through Slog through  




Lista básica de Phrasal Verbs - Lista de Particulas

Round - Through - To


See also:

Phrasal Verbs Common Phrasal Verbs
¿Qué es un Phrasal Verb? Abz Grammar Top Tips
Importancia de los Phrasal Verbs Thematic list of Idioms
Tipos de Phrasal Verbs Regular vs Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs List Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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