
samedi 26 juillet 2014

Phrasal verb list: With

With es una preposición. Podemos encontrarla en 58 combinaciones de Phrasal Verbs según la lista de Abz Ingles. Esta partícula es una de las palabras más usadas dentro del vocabulario Inglés, su uso es básicamente para referirse a la relación y la conexión entre uno o varios entes, normalmente cuando se menciona un objeto o para describir atributos del mismo.

Esta es una lista de todos los Phrasal Verbs existentes con la partícula With, están ordenadas de manera alfabética y se ha considerado combinaciones múltiples (de tres partículas a más). Recuerda que para ver otros usos de la partícula With, revisa la lista de partículas que Abz ingles ha elaborado para ti.


Phrasal Verbs with 'With' particle:

Acquaint with Get away with Lie with Reckon with
Agree with Get along with Live with Rest with
Bear with Get in with Lumber with Run round with
Begin with Get off with Make away with Run away with
Bind up with Get with Make off with Run off with
Break with Get over with Make out with Take up with
Bristle with Go along with Make with Talk with
Bubble over with Go down with Meddle with Tamper with
Catch up with Go in with Meet with Tangle with
Chime in with Go off with Mess around with Tax with
Come down with Go on with Mess with Tie in with
Come forward with Go through with Mix up with Tinker with
Come out with Go with Mix with Toy with
Come up with Grapple with Monkey around with Triffle with
Cop off with Hang with Muck about with Saddle with
Dally with Hedge around with Part with Side with
Deal with Help off with Pepper with Stay with
Disagree with Help on with Pick up with Stick with
Dispense with Hold with Plague with Sleep with
Do away with Identify with Play around with Vie with
Endow with Interfere with Play with Visit with
Fall in with Juggle with Plead with Walk off with
Fiddle about with Keep in with Ply with Waltz off with
Fiddle around with Keep up with Provide with Wrestle with
Finish up with Knock around with Put up with  
Fit in with Land with Quarrel with  
Flirt with Level with Reason with  




Lista básica de Phrasal Verbs - Lista de Particulas

Up  -  With  -  Other 


See also:

Phrasal Verbs Common Phrasal Verbs
¿Qué es un Phrasal Verb? Abz Grammar Top Tips
Importancia de los Phrasal Verbs Thematic list of Idioms
Tipos de Phrasal Verbs Regular vs Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs List Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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